Although these rules of etiquette are pretty basic, I thought it would be a great reminder (for myself, first of all) of something else we can be working on with our children.
I promise I won't make the list too long. The best way to work on these things is [definitely] going to be at home, because honestly, most of these are probably characteristics you want your kids to have at home.
Hopefully then if your child is in the habit of practicing these "rules" at home, then he/she will naturally adjust these principles in a host's home.
When your child walks up to the host's home, ring the door bell (or knock) once or twice if necessary, but not repeatedly. (ding DONG ding DONG ding DONG...)
Say hello to the host. Look at their face (instead of down at their feet), and speak clearly.
Take off their shoes, unless they're told they don't need to.
Don't be overly loud or silly. Don't run inside.
If you've been playing outside, and you're coming inside, wash your hands.
Do not open the refrigerator, touch the host's phone, or get on the computer, unless you're given permission.
Ask where the bathroom is (instead of wandering around the house), close the door, flush when you're finished, and wash your hands.
If a door is closed, knock before entering. Never enter a bedroom unless you're invited inside. If you need to use the bathroom, and the door is closed, either knock or wait quietly outside.
If you create an accidental mess (let's say they drop something, and it shatters all over the floor), they need to run and tell either their parents or the host. Accept the responsibility for what happened, and ask what they can do to help clean it up.
If you need to ask the host something, and she (or he) is involved in a conversation, stand quietly until there's a break in the conversation, and then say "Excuse me."
If the parents aren't going to be present, then tell your child that the host is in charge. Within reason, they'll be making the rules, and your child should be expected to follow them (such as at a sleepover, if the parents say "lights out and stop talking," your child should do so.
If you're offered something you wouldn't like, say "No, thank you," instead of "I don't want that" or "I don't like that." Same would apply to if someone asks if you'd like to do something that you wouldn't prefer to.
After playing with toys or a game, clean it up. To the best of your ability, put all the pieces back exactly how you found them.
At the dinner table, do not dominate the conversation. If you need something, ask politely, but otherwise, sit quietly and eat your food. Stay seated at the table unless you've asked to be excused.
Don't touch anything (especially decor, books, furniture, movies, etc.) unless you've been given specific permission to.
If you are doing something, and the host asks you to stop, don't talk back. You're in their home; be respectful of their rules.
Don't climb on the couches, or jump off the coffee tables. Don't slam the doors.
And lastly, say thank you. Say thank you for the food, for being invited over, for all the time and effort the host may have put into your time in his/her home.
I hope that list didn't overwhelm you. I certainly didn't mean it to! Generally, I think most of principles are deep-down about respect... respecting both others' privacy, and their property/possessions.
This topic has definitely been something I've been thinking a lot about, and I was excited to share it with you! I'm sure there are more "basic rules of etiquette" that I missed... let me know if you think of some!
These are a lot of the same things that I'm working on with my kids! They definitely like to ring the doorbell a million times...
ReplyDeleteHaha!! YES.
DeleteThanks for your beyond belief blogs stuff.
ReplyDeletePerth Street Sweeping
لا حاجة بعد اليوم إلى اللجوء إلى أي عامل حتى يتم التخلص من أوساخ الخزانات حيث أن شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة توفر فريق متكامل يقوم بعملية تنظيف كامل للخزان من الداخل والخارج وأيضا العمل على صيانة الأجزاء التي تتعرض إلى التلف .
شركة مكافحة حشرات بجدة
عندما تجد صراصير منتشرة على جدان المطابخ وفي الحمامات وتشعر باللدغ أثناء الخلود إلى النوم يجب أن تتواصل مع شركة مكافحة حشرات بجدة حيث أن الشركة تتخلص خلال وقت قياسي من جميع الحشرات
من منا لا يرغب في عملية نقل عفش ممتازة دون أي أخطاء فبعض الفئات من المجتمع تكون في سفر وترحال دائم من محافظة إلى أخري داخل المكلة وأيضا العديد من الفنادق يقوم بافتتاح الفروع وخاصة أن مكة هي ملتقي دول العالم وبالطبع يجب أن يتم نقل العفش والأثاث من موجودات الشقق التي يتم تأجيرها أو الفنادق أو حتى الشركات بدرجة عالية من الأمان وبالطبع يتم ذلك من خلال شركة نقل عفش بمكة .
ReplyDeleteشركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة
عزيزي العميل يجب أن تحافظ على صحتك أنت وجميع الموجدين بداخل المنزل الذي تقيم فيه وعندما تسكن في مكة فأنت بحاجة إلى احد الخزان حتى تكون المياه دائما متوفرة في الشقق أو المنازل او الفلل أو حتى المحال التجارية حيث أن انقطاعها يسبب خسارة كبيرة وأيضا نوع من الشعور بعدم الراحة خاصة في موسم الحجاج ويجب أن يتم تنظيف تلك الخزانات جديا من الجانبين وأيضا القيام بعزلها للحفاظ على المياه بداخلها من خلال شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة
شركة تنظيف بالبخار بالطائف
عملية تنظيف البخار تحافظ على جميع قطع الأثاث ومن خلال شركة تنظيف بالبخار بالطائف سوف تعمل على إطالة عمر المفروشات واقل الأسعار سوف تجدها داخل شركة تنظيف بالبخار بالطائف فبدلا من الذهاب إلى الشركات المنافسة والحصول على جودة ليست بالمطلوبة تواصل معنا حتى تحصل على الامرين معا الجودة والسعر .
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والتنظيف اهم شركات نقل العفش والاثاث
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العديد من شركات نقل العفش والتي توفر خدمات نقل وتخزين الاثاث والعفش هنا قائمة بافضل شركات نقل العفش ...
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